
Dinos Constantinides: Music for Violin Alone

"Constantinides is himself a Juilliard-trained violinist, and he obviously sees the violin fundamentally as a melody instrument. His musical impulses are thus melodic and therefore primarily lyrical, a word he uses in his own program note. Double-stops and chords are employed for expressive purposes, not in furtherance of the working out of contrapuntal designs. As a result, for all of their modernist tendencies, Constantinides’s pieces are melodically rather than thematically driven."
—Jerry Dubins, Fanfare 35:6 (July/Aug 2012)

Dinos Constantinides: Music for Violin Alone

George Demertzis, violin
Sonata for Solo Violin No. 1, LRC011
Four Interludes for Violin Alone, LRC136
Celestial Musings for Violin Alone, LRC231c
Sonata for Solo Violin No. 2, LRC042
Family Triptych for Violin Alone, LRC182g
Lazy Jack and His Fiddle for Violin, LRC199
Sonata for Solo Violin No. 3, LRC063
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